Monday, January 18, 2010

Jan. 18: The Art of Concentration

Fred White's writing for today is related to the art of concentration. Concentration meaning to think intensely about a subject, and concentration meaning thinking about the essential aspects of a subject. Concentration is something that I struggle with at times. Sometimes it is very easy to close out background noise and focus on what I am reading, writing, or working on. At other times this is difficult and I have to get rid of all distractions in order to really work on the current project. Mr. White does give an exercise that he states will increase your powers of concentration. He suggests that you spend 30 minutes thinking about and concentrating on a topic you would normally only spend 10 minutes on. He also gives a writing assignment which is meant to focus your concentration on a topic/one scene.
I have also found that if I am really into the moment and focused on writing whatever it is I am writing about then my powers of concentration are very strong. However, if I am not that focused in the moment I get into the mode of multi-tasking which I consider the worst thing that we were taught to do a few decades ago. Multitasking keeps you from being mindful/aware of the moment. It keeps us from being focused and it reduces our ability to concentrate on the topic/problem/scene we need to be focusing on.
All of that said I am now going to concentrate on something that I want to work on tonight for 30 minutes to an hour, which is 1 Corinthians chapter one. I want to begin an in-depth study of Paul's two letters to the Christians in Corinth. Someone reminded me that these two letters address how we are to treat our bodies. So, will close this to go study Corinthians.

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