Monday, February 15, 2010

New direction in my use of this journal - Character Profiles

Since I can't seem to get motivated to write daily any more have decided to begin using this blog to work on character profiles.  Today I am going to work on the characters in A Pioneer Woman's Journal.  The two primary characters are of course The pioneer woman herself and her husband Barry Kirkpatrick.
Scenario:  At the beginning of the journal is a newly married woman who has come with her husband to a dry land ranch/farm in Sheridan County Nebraska in an area just north of Gordan near Camp Sheridan and the Spotted Tail Indian Reservation as well as the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.  The area is called Albany.  This is in an area called the Sandhills region.  The Kirkpatricks had followed the trail laid by the Scammahorn party the year before in 1883 but went on further north of the Antelope Valley where that party had settled.
Hannah Kirkpatrick:  Hannah was a sturdy young woman who stood five foot six with a classic hourglass figure and as a woman once told her somewhat impolitely the perfect hips for birthing babies.  She had long, thick red hair the color of an Irish Setter and shocking blue eyes.  Even at a distance a person could detect those bright blue eyes.  For the most part she had a gentle personality but had a quick temper which quickly abated once she had blown off steam.  She had freckles splattered across the bridge of her nose and onto her cheeks.   She was not what would be called beautiful but pretty was more descriptive.  She was well educated which was unusual for women of her day and she loved to read and write.  She managed to place several books and a writing journal in her boxes of necessities packed for her new home.  She also managed to pack a few niceties of the time in the boxes also.  These included dollies, tableclothes, and napkins.  She could also sew and had several quilts as well as bolts of cloth that were included.  She had sacrificed the family piano leaving it at her parents' home so that she could include a trundle sewing machine and collapseable quilt frame.  She also knew how to ride and shoot which was a benefit on the prairie. 
Barry Kirkpatrick:  Barry was six foot two inches tall with a slender build that belied his strength.  He had a quiet even temperment.  He was not talkative but when he spoke it was direct and to showed his quick grasp of situations.  He was also well educated for a man of the time.  He knew how to read, write, and do math.  What he most enjoyed was being out in nature.  He loved working cattle and being a part of the land.  He was not overly fond of farming and only did as much as needed to be done in order to provide extra feed for his cattle and horses and a littl profit.  He was a natural at dry land ranching/farming that was the prevailing vocation of men in the sandhills region after people began to settle the area. 

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I just don't know what I am going to continue to use this blog to record. I have lost interest in The Daily Writer. I also find that I really have trouble writing daily on a consistent basis. Today when I opened this blog all I could think about was the happenings in Madison yesterday at Discovery Middle School. One student shot another student supposedly because he was upset with the remarks the student had made about "his gang". The incident has raise some many things in my mind. As a social worker and therapist I want to know what could have led to this killing. Several people on Facebook have commented that he shooter has been in trouble before. What sort of trouble I ask and did any one grasp the scope of his possible actions. I remember another incident that left me wondering if I had missed some serious warning signs when an adolescent's actions resulted in death. The another part of my intellect tells me that know one can really grasp just what another person is capable of doing. The social worker in me also wants to know what could have been done to prevent this senseless act. I also think about the two adolescents' families. Two families have had their lives forever altered by the actions that this boy has taken. Everyone in the area has been, at least momentarily effected by this incident. I, along with others want to point fingers at the parents, at our modern culture that endorses such actions, the movies, music, and video games that promote violence. However, that only leads to more questions. I firmly believe that God has a purpose in everything that happens and maybe the only purpose is to remind us of what we as a nation, as a culture, as a world are becoming. I'm sure that evangelists would say that this is another indication of the end time. I don't know if it is or not but my heart goes out to all those whose lives have been forever altered by this action. My prayers are for the dead child's family and friends, for the the shooter's family and friends, for the parents and children of the area, and for the teachers, school officials and leaders who must now try to make sense of this and take actions to prevent it (hopefully) from happening again.