Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dec. 1: Winter Festivals

In today's readings the author states that the months of December and January are full of festivities. According to him the imagery of winter are one of positive associations. "The colder it gets outside, the cozier people make themselves inside." He further state that this is a time when writers can spread good cheer and that there never can be too much good cheer. Therefore the writer should not refrain from writing about holiday season topics even if there have already been a number of writers to do so. He reminds us that everyone has their own distinct voice.
The writers through the use of our "spirit and imagination" fill the cold dreary months of winter with the magic of "birth and renewal". All of the imagery of past hoiday seasons and even the earlier ancient winter celebrations give the assurance that life and life with ultimately "prevail over death and darkness."
Today's "TRY THIS" assignment:
1. What is your favorite holiday ritual? Write and essay about it and how you have come to love it.
2. Just for fun (or for satiric purposes) invent a ritual and build a fantasy story around it.
The first assignment has already been accomplished. I recently wrote an article for examiner.com on the pleasant memories of my mother's holiday baking and making of special treats. The second assignment will again have to added to the composition book due to lack of time. A few quick thoughts would be to have a winter soltice festival in some prehistorical time maybe instead of the typical depictions of such celebrations set in European settings to have one set in prehistoric America among a Native American tribe like the Anastaze in the southwest.

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