Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dec 2: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo: "Time Unveiling Truth"

In today Fred White explains this painting by Tiepolo. I really don't grasp what he is talking about but maybe that is because I am really not into this type of art. However, according to White this painting is full of allegories and states that within art or writing the artist/writer can use allegories to represent individuals and objects through complex abstract ideas.
Here White states that "Tiepolo's painting helps us realize the difficulty of truth to prevail in a world of mortality, vanity, carnal desire, and fear. Yet truth does prevail. She may be vulnerable to the temptations and corruptions of the flesh, but there is a divine spirit that shines forth giving her strength and endurance."
Today's TRY THIS assignment:
Compose an allegorical poem in which you dramatize Time's struggle to expose Truth to the things of the world that will threaten to undo he. You might use as a model Keat's "Ode on Melancholy", in which Melancholy 'dwells with Beauty-Beauty must die;/And Joy, whose hand is ever at his lips/Bidding adieu..."
Again this is an assignment that I defineately do not have time for. It would take more brain cells and research than I really have resources to expend at this time. I'll add it to the composition book but I doubt that I will get to it any time soon because I really am not interested.

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