Sunday, December 13, 2009

What a week

I have really been amiss this week; partly because I lacked the time to set and write and partly because when I had the time I chose to do something else. I am not even going to take the time to put the missed days discussion or assignments here but instead will just post my thoughts about each days reading.
December 8: Sensory impressions
As I read this day's reading I thought about ways in which I could improve my novel that I wrote in November for the NANOWRIMO Challenge. There are several scenes in which several sense could be used. So will store those ideas for the next time I go through the novel to make revisions.
December 9: Cinematic Drafting
This reading inspired me to use a cinematic approach in the opening part of the novel mentioned above. It could be used to lay down the scenery of the town and then a cinematic type viewpoint drawing the reader to the house where the main family lives.
December 10: Exploring the Psychology of Dreams
Although this is an interesting topic I really had no real thoughts about utilizing the topic. I have not really given much credence to dream analysis. However, at some point in some of my stories I might be able to utilize the idea. I know I would not use either of the writing assignments Fred White gave because neither type of story currently interests me.
December 11: Flying by the Seat of your Pants:
The type of writing Fred White describes here is precisely what the NANOWRIMO Challenge is all about. Without research, or other aids the writer was to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. The idea was to get the words down in the computer and then go back after the month ended and fininess the book with aim of possibly getting it published. In order to get that many words down you had to set a goal each day of so many words.
December 12: Critiquing as Coaching:
White talks about viewing critiques by reliable critics as being coached by a writing coach. I really would like to find a reliable critic to go over my writing to see if it is really as viable as I think it is. Of course, I also need to get the final revisions done and then print it off.
December 13: Holiday Foods for Holiday Stories
In this reading Fred White talks about incorporating descriptions of holiday meals into stories. Again back to my novel there are two holiday meals, as well as several other meals that are included. I need to go back over these and include some additional senses as well as more descriptive terminology about the food. This was a relatively easy assignment in the initial writing because There is a wealth of past holiday meals that I can chose from, and a number of holiday meal traditions. This is particularly true with the South where the story is set.
Now if I can keep up with things next week; will be back on schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sherry,
    Through the randomness of the Internet I came across your post. Love how focused and obsessed you are about your writing! I am actually a writing coach and my book for writers was just published by Penguin. It's called BANG THE KEYS. You can find out more (and pick up some tips from my blog!) at Feel free to drop me a line and keep up the fierce work. Cheers, Jill
