Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dec. 22: Climaxes and Resolutions

In today's reading the author talks about the importance of the stories climax and then ultimate resolution. He give some suggestions for climaxes and uses a an example, what he called "the simplest kind of climax", is the Western "shootout". He further states that there are a thousand variations of possible endings to a story but the author can only chose one.
Mr. White states stories are mirrors of reality and as such they heighten the situations we experience in our own lives. However, our experiencs are usually not as pronounced. He uses two types of experiences as examples of climaxes: courtroom verdicts and medical dramas which he believes are the closest to the way we experience cimaxes in real life.
1. Study the way two or three novelists construct their respective climaxes; then outline a short story that includes two or more possible climaxes--each one perhaps, mirroring those of the respective novels you've been studying.
2. Write a climax scene to a story that is still in its planning stage. Working out the climax first will give you a better idea of how to dramatically render the steps that lead up to it.
I tried to work on one of the assignments from yesterday at work today only to not have the time because another therapist had to call out and I ended up doing her groups. I will try again tomorrow. Meanwhile these two assignments will go into the growing composition book.

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