Friday, December 25, 2009

Dec. 25: Merry Christmas

Today's reading starts with Fred Whites comments about how Christmas magically transforms the mundane. He further states that writers tend to see story material everywhere/anywhere. However, he also touched on the fact that not all Christmas stories are happy ones. He reminds the reader that there are those for whom the holiday season is one of loneliness.
White talks about how writers, through their stories, can give the gifts of spreading goodwill, making a better world, blessings of joy and peace. He further adds that there can never be enough stories on these topics and they all need to be told.
Compose a poem or short-story that will instill love or hope or compassion (preferably all three) in the hearts of others. Write it with the intention of reading it aloud to family and friends.

Merry Christmas all.

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