Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sep 18: Questions and Quests

Well, I had planned on doing this last night but by the time I got home my brain was too fried to think. Therefore, just worked on a scarf I am knitting. The stitch is so simple I can do it without even thinking. But now I need to get this done so I can move on to today's assignment. The problem is that the meditation is about how questions become a quest for knowledge. Mostly though it focuses on quests. Mr. White states that "writing is a quest". He sees writers as the archetypal heroes venturing apart from other to discover new truths. They then return to the fold to share what they have learned with others.
His "For Further Reflection" goes on to describe life as a "multiplicity of quests" and each writing project as a "new quest to uncover a new set of perplexitites about the human condition and to articulate them in sufficiently precise and powerful language."
The assignment is to begin a new story or poem but think of it as a quest to discover something important about people or about the state of the world. The work is to be divided in the archetypal stages of separation, initiation (or discovery) and return. Even today after a full night's sleep I am still at a loss as to how to start this without making it seem like a poor remake of some of the usual hero quest that are running around in my head as I reread this day's meditation. Maybe later I can work this out. Unfortunatelyl, I may not be able to share it here. Thankfully I have my little composition book that I begin such things in.

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